Yu An, the Chinese symbol for "far away." distant, future, another place, another time...
when someone enters into counseling the place they want to be or the person they want to become can seem very far away. its like being in a deep and dimly lit cave, walking toward a small pinpoint of light. or like driving on a desolate lonely highway and cresting a small hill seeing a small hint of green in the diatance, the destination.
what we often find in counseling is that we may never get rid of the problems in our lives, we get better at understanding how or problems arise and develop tools to better help ourselves when the problems arise again.
in reality, we carry inside all we need to address the problems in our lives effectively. but why enter into counseling if we have the answers? it is because we bury the answers deep inside and forget. the best way to effectively relearn our skills is to begin to talk about the issues we are dealing with...
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