Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mindful Interventions

A Mindful Intervention

Donald A. McCoy, L.P.C., N.C.C.

Working with agitated and violent persons can be difficult to say the least. Keeping yourself calm and focused during an encounter is important and being mindful of your environment is important in working through a difficult situation safely.
This course will give you tools to develop awareness into mindfulness and awareness of yourself, your surroundings and others around you and how to keep yourself and others safe when faced with an agitated and/or violent person.

Being aware of your mood and what is crossing your mind before entering the situation affords you the ability to control the situation and yourself much better. When you enter a situation and your mood is agitated, angry or your mind is preoccupied with thoughts other than the moment, you will have little control of the situation and yourself.  If you are able to assess yourself and can enter a situation with more focus, your ability to control the situation is greatly improved.

Mindfulness is the ability to be aware of each and every moment of our lives. It is the ability to become more aware of our environment and the subtle changes that occur around and within us.

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